Cementimental(UK) / Dao De Noize (Ukraine) / Menso Noise (Ecuador) / 886VG - 4 way split CDr

Year: 2016
No Brain Prod. 039

Limited to 40

Glorious 4 way split. Cementimental is Tim Drage, doing harsh noise for more than 15 years he is the same man behind this magical noise book ( http://cementimental.com/noisebook/ ). He is cool, noise is cool you know. (check his site). oh yeah, he does harsh noise. Dao De Noize from Ukraine is a very active noise/ambient/something project.. Has a lot of releases including some with big names such as Merzbow and Napalmed. and that is very important , no, but i still mentioned. who am i? anway, good sounds. Menso Noise is noisecore from ecuador. raw and sexy. highly sofisticated its not. At the end the 4 trcks merge very well. fun release. cover is Santiago Metro train arriving in 1973. made in France, still in service.

Impecable split entre estos 4 proyectos. Cementimental es Tim Drage, que viene haciendo ruido desde hace mas de 15 aņos, es el mismo que esta detras de la novela grafica de ruido ( http://cementimental.com/noisebook/ ). Revisen su sitio, personaje interesante. Dao De Noize desde Ukrania es un proyecto bien activo de noise/ambient/algo que tiene un monton de discos incluyendo algunos con actos grandes como Merzbow y Napalmed (RIP), importa eso? claro que quizas. no. a la mierda. Track ruidoso para este split.  Menso Noise es noisecore desde Ecuador, crudo y sexy, sofisticadamente nihilista. Las 4 pistas de este split funcionan bien juntas.- La portada es el Metro de Santiago llegando en 1973. Sigue en funcionamiento.

samples : Cementimental - Dao De Noize - 886VG - MensoNoise
 (In that order / En ese orden)